Health Suite

Welcome to the LRTA Health Suite!

Mrs. Boone, BSN, RN

Welcome, I am Mrs. Boone and I am the proud school nurse at Loch Raven Technical Academy.  In addition to being a school nurse, I am a pediatric ER nurse at Johns Hopkins Hospital.  Prior to becoming a nurse, I was a fourth-grade teacher.  My education and work experience have allowed me to find the perfect job as a school nurse at LRTA! 


Nurse Duties

·     Assess students and staff who come into the health suite with medical issues.

·     Educate students and staff on healthy ways of living.

·     Evaluate student immunizations.

·     Record and update student health files.

·     Dispense medication to students who have a physician’s order and a discretionary medication form on file signed by the parent or guardian.

·     Work closely with faculty and staff to facilitate the mental and physical well-being of the students.


Health Suite Reminders

·     Parents who would like their students to have over-the-counter medications for minor ailments during the school day must complete the “Consent-for-Admin-of-Approved-Disc-Meds.2020.pdf.

·     Students who require prescribed medications for medical diagnoses such as (not limited to) Asthma, Diabetes, Seizures, Migraines must have the “Request to Administer Medication Form.pdf” completed by their physician.

·     All rising seventh-grade students must have the state-required MCV and Tdap immunizations before starting the new school year. 


News and Resources

Please access the following links for update school resources:

·     Vaccine Distribution

·     Asthma and COVID-19

·     Maryland Coalition for Families

·     Student Health Forms 


Health Suite Contact Information

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns via phone, fax, or email.

·     Phone:   443-809-5499

·     Fax:  443-809-3519

·     Email:  [email protected]