STEM Magnet Program

We are delighted to give our science magnet students here at LRTA a dynamic and exciting STEM program. Our new STEM program at itcore is real-world project-based learning through real-world applications. This magnet curriculum deepens what the students will be learning in their science classes as the science and magnet curriculum go hand in hand. 


Our students will be challenged to solve real-world problems through a lens of different scientific or engineering roles. Each project starts with a question. Through these roles, the students will help develop an answer to thproblem through performance tasks.The expectation is that the students will finish each unit is a concrete product that has been through the Engineering Design Process. 


We are very pleased to be teaching this STEM magnet because this process will teach many 21st century skills as the students will have to navigate the entire project to get to their goal of finding a plausible solution to the real-world problem. It is also our hope to explicitly teach educational confidence that comes with completing an educational product from start to finish. 


During each project, students will be supported in their educational growth in an encouraging environment. They will learn to both lead and participate with their group in projects. Each student will learn how to communicate, researchbuild models and ask questions based on all their findings and wonderings. Through the projects, they will learn to make sense of the information they gather about real-life phenomena and develop possible solutions. It is our pleasure to provide this great magnet as the educational growth your child will experience will be life-changing.