Title I

What is Title I?

Title I is a federally funded program that is a part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Title I funds seek to ensure that all children receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education. These federal funds are distributed to school systems primarily based on Census Poverty Estimates. Currently, BCPS determines eligibility if elementary schools have a poverty rate at or above 60.7%, and if middle schools have a rate of or above 69.93%. (Determined by State Reported Data on children receiving services such as ~SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, Homelessness, Foster Care and Migrancy)

What is the goal of Title I?

The goal of Title I is to increase the literacy, math, and school climate rates.

  1. Literacy Goal: Increase the percentages of students demonstrating MAP Reading achievement at or above the 61st Percentile from 29.16% in Winter 2024 to 39.16% Winter 2025.
  2. Math Goal: Increase the percentages of students demonstrating MAP Math achievement at or above the 61st Percentile from 17.02% in Winter 2024 to 27.02% Winter 2025.
  3. Safe and Supportive Environment Goal: Decrease the percentage of students chronically absent from 44.28% in 2024 to 24.28% in 2025.

Students chosen for the program receive additional support in their English Language Arts and Math classes from the Title I Targeted Assistance Teachers. They also have an opportunity to participate in the Extended Day Learning Program to enhance their math and literacy skills.

To learn more, please view the document container below or reach out to the Title I teachers.

Feedback Form
 Tamagnini picture  Schramm picture
 Ms. Tamagnini, Title I Targeted Assistance Teacher - Math
[email protected]
Ms. Schramm, Title I Targeted Assistance Teacher - English Language Arts
[email protected] 

Mr. Myers, Dean of School Progress and Acting Assistant Principal - Grade 7 Academy
[email protected]